CROSE: 9 personal New Year's resolutions

New Year's resolutions don't have to be too ambitious — and easy to break. "My husband, Jim, and I replace our smoke detector batteries each New Year's Day," Janice Lynn Crose says. "The first of January is always a good time for that task. It's easy to remember and important to follow up on each year."

We have said goodbye to 2015, and have welcomed the New Year, 2016. 

Did you make any resolutions?

How long do you think you will keep them?

How did you do on your personal resolutions last year? 

I generally don't make resolutions — they are easy to break — and I usually don't manage to keep them until February. But there are general guidelines I hope to follow, just as I did last year.

From last year's list, I managed over half of what I hoped to accomplish.

This year, I hope to:

  • Spend more time in Bible study and prayer
  • Continue to glorify God with my musical gifts
  • Visit more shut-ins where they live, and send more cards and notes to cheer them
  • Make more time to spend with family and friends
  • Spend less money and save more
  • Walk the collies more
  • Appreciate the beauty around me — the natural world, the lovely sky, flowers, birds, and other cute critters
  • Share my faith in Christ with those who need Him
  • Be thankful for everyday miracles and thank the Lord when they occur

Many times, we miss everyday miracles because we are in such a hurry. We need to take the time to reflect on the blessings that our Creator gives each of us and thank Him appropriately.

What is on your list of things you would like to do better this year?

You may be better off avoiding hard-and-fast resolutions that are easily broken, and instead aim to do certain things to improve your life.

For instance, my husband, Jim, and I replace our smoke detector batteries each New Year's Day. The first of January is always a good time for that task. It's easy to remember and important to follow up on each year. 

Have a happy, blessed New Year as we begin the adventure of 2016.

Janice Lynn Crose lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CROSE: 9 personal New Year's resolutions