Crestview Cub Scouts spread Christmas cheer

Cub Scout Pack 799 members visited Carrington Manor residents for Christmas. Pictured are, back row: Emily Chambliss, Alex Bryan, Riley Barringer, Ben Humphrey, Chase Nixon and Jesse Nixon. Front row: Josey Humphrey, Bernadette Humphrey, Bryce Zamorski, Thomas Chambliss and Jacek Zamorski. Not pictured: Johnny Humphrey, who operated the CD player.

CRESTVIEW — Cub Scout Pack 799, of Crestview, spread Christmas cheer to Carrington Manor residents.

The group  —  chartered by the First United Methodist Church of Crestview men's group  — played  "Jingle Bells" and "Dreidel Spin" on their recorders. They also sang a number of Christmas songs for residents at the East James Lee Boulevard assisted living facility.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview Cub Scouts spread Christmas cheer