BROADHEAD: Remembering the true meaning of Christmas

"God, who could have come to Earth as a conquering warrior, began his earthly journey in the way all humans do — being born as a human baby to humble parents," the Rev. Mark Broadhead says.

Bart Simpson, in one episode of "The Simpsons," misses the meaning of Christmas when he says, “We need to get back to the true meaning of Christmas — the birth of Santa Claus.”


Before journalist Harry Reasoner’s 1991 death, he said, "[There are] only three ways of accepting Christmas.

"One is cynically, as a time to make money or endorse the making of it.

"One is graciously, the appropriate attitude for non-Christians, who wish their fellow citizens all the joys their beliefs entitle them.

"And the third, of course, is reverently. If this is the anniversary of the appearance of the Lord of the universe in the form of a helpless babe — it is a very important day.”

As Christmas approaches, I invite you to grab hold of its true meaning: a reminder of the depth of God’s love for his creation and the great length he was willing to go to prove it.

Ponder this: God, who created everything that exists in this universe, of which this planet on which we live is but a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things, chose to leave his heavenly throne to come to this Earth as a human being.

God, who could wave his hand to wipe out every person on this planet and start all over again, chose to live among us to demonstrate his love through Jesus Christ, to give everyone second, third, and fourth chances.

God, who could have come to Earth as a conquering warrior, began his earthly journey in the way all humans do — being born as a human baby to humble parents.

It was God himself who was heard to cry as he drew his first breath of earthly life.

It was God himself who was viewed in awe by shepherds the night of his birth.

It was God himself about whom the angels said, “Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Immanuel — God with us — is what Christmas is all about. Christ the Lord, born in Bethlehem.

How can anyone miss this true message — unless they don’t want to hear it?

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is pastor at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: BROADHEAD: Remembering the true meaning of Christmas