Crestview, Okaloosa officials compromise to expedite courthouse project

Okaloosa County Board of County Commissioners Chairman Nathan Boyles, Crestview Mayor David Cadle and Crestview Fire Chief Joe Traylor work out a compromise to streamline construction of the new Crestview courthouse.

CRESTVIEW — A quick between-meetings discussion in the city council chamber resolved a potential sticking point in an interlocal agreement between the city and the county to expedite replacing the Okaloosa County courthouse.

Prior to a workshop before Monday evening's City Council meeting, county board of commissioners Chairman Nathan Boyles presented a draft memorandum of understanding that would allow the county to handle all aspects of the project, including inspecting plans and on-site construction details to assure code compliance.

That didn't sit well with Crestview building official Jonathon Bilby and Fire Chief Joe Traylor.


Bilby, who inspects building sites to assure codes are met, requested the council to vote against the request "so I can do my job as I've been charged with doing."

Traylor said legally his department is obligated to perform inspections for fire code compliance.

 "The authority to enforce the fire code rests solely with the fire department, per state statute," Traylor said. When the project is complete, "the Crestview Fire Department is required to provide fire protection."

Boyles said the agreement as written was simply a way to streamline the demolition of the current 1955 courthouse and expedite construction of its replacement.

"At the end of the day, what we should all focus on is getting this project done as quickly and efficiently as possible for the benefit of all our citizens," Boyles said.


Mayor David Cadle urged the city and county work together on the project.

"We need to get past this competition between the county and city," he said. "Let's work something out that's a compromise."

After the workshop adjourned, Cadle, Traylor and Boyles held a brief discussion and agreed that the fire department would fulfill its obligation to perform fire inspections.

The City Council agreed with the plan, noting the agreement already made provision for Bilby's department to augment county inspectors as needed, for which the city would be reimbursed.

"I think we're of the consensus we go with the changes to the agreement with the fire department added, and go with it, and to maintain the building inspector under the purview of the county," city Council President Shannon Hayes summarized.

Boyles assured the council there were no hard feelings and appreciated the city's cooperation.

"There is not problem. This is working things out before there are issues," Boyles said. "This is a way to streamline the project. My take is, it doesn't make a hill of beans bit of difference to me who does the inspections. I just want a quick and efficient process."

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview, Okaloosa officials compromise to expedite courthouse project