HELMS: Seek God's gifts for others

In the book of Genesis, we read about Abraham, who desires a wife for his son, Isaac. He sends his trusted servant to find her. 

We are told that this servant had all the riches that belonged to Abraham at his disposal, along with Abraham's promise that God would send His angel to go before him to help in his endeavor. 

The servant does as he is asked, and, upon finding Rebekah, he praises God and offers her and her family members gifts. 

My interpretation is that he treated her with all the kindness that he could, and was pleased when he finally presented her to Isaac and he evidently approved. 

This is a picture of how we should live our daily Christian walk. 

Allow me to prove my point.

God the Father is looking for the bride for His Son, Jesus Christ. 

He chooses His trusted servants — you and I — with this task. We have the Holy Spirit's promise to go before us to prepare the hearts of those who would become the bride of Christ. 

We have all of God's richest promises and gifts at our disposal.

We offer the greatest gift, salvation, to all those that we can.  When one accepts this gift, he or she is to be treated as precious until the day that we present them to Jesus for His approval. When He receives one, all of heaven rejoices.

Abraham is the father of many nations. God is the father of all creation. Isaac was the father of Jacob, who would later be called Israel. Jesus is the chief cornerstone, the father of the Church.

We should live our lives as trusted servants, having access to all that our Master has given to us. 

When we find "the bride," precious are they in God's hands and Jesus' heart.

Do not withhold God's gifts from others; seek for them. 

The obedient servant will find the rewards. 

The Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., in Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: Seek God's gifts for others