Trump is getting things done

Having written this column for 16 years, I find that there has never been a time when the news and actions in Washington moved so fast. Trump is getting things done. Half the country says Trump is crazy and turning Washington on its ear. The other half of the country agrees but says that's what they like about the guy.

Here is a list of things that have happened in just a few weeks' time:

1.    After the Democrats suddenly became “free-traders” and yelped at Trump’s intent to renegotiate NAFTA, Canada and Mexico walked away. Then the Mexicans  came back to the table, realizing a simple economic fact: They sell way more to us than we buy from them. Then Trump got Canada back to the negotiating table after President Trudeau of the French heritage part of that nation engaged in  political theater and walked away. Trump lured him back by saying NAFTA had to be a three-way agreement; he knew the French would not miss a three-way.

Now Mexico is so mad it offered to pay for Trump’s impeachment.

Trump said Mexico and Canada were cheating on their deals and he wouldn't stand for it anymore. Apparently Melania got to him, and he’s a changed man.

When asked about the new Mexican trade deal, fresh-faced Democrat juggernaut and soon-to-be-Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of NY said, “You mean we sold New Mexico? What did we get for it?”

On Labor Day, AFL-CIO labor bosses sided with Canada over Trump on NAFTA. You know labor unions have become an extension of the Democrat party when they do something like that, and side with environmentalists against Trump on the jobs-creating infrastructure project Dakota Pipeline. When asked about that, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez asked, “Why does Dakota Fanning get to have her own pipeline if others can’t?”

2.    Trump sent Mike Pence to John McCain’s funeral. Senator McCain’s funeral extravaganza was on the same day as Aretha Franklin’s. Which one do you think started on time?

(Answer: They both did, you racist!)

3.    Our nation’s governmental bureaucracy just got around to deporting a known 95 -year-old Nazi prison guard who was living in New York. He was known to be here for decades, but the Feds are just now working through their files on this one. Democrats were outraged and got a California judge to go back to 1949 to overturn Harry Truman’s immigration policy. They are so proud of themselves they are the toast of every college professor cocktail party nationwide.

4.    Leftist protestors tried to shut down Chicago airports over the weekend, I think over ICE or something like National Anthem protests. No one ever knows. But no one from the Southside showed up since the White Sox played that night and it was Free Snub-nosed Revolver Night.

5.    Freedom Caucus leader Rep. Jim Jordan was slandered by Democrats for not doing more to stop a pedophile wrestling coach from abusing young boys decades ago. It was proven untrue, but not before the Archdiocese of Ohio offered the     coach his own parish.

6.   It was reported that Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren made $1 million last year. Imagine what she would have made were she not a “share the wealth” socialist. So the takeaway is that all minorities, even Native Americans, are doing better under Trump.

7.    After spending tens of millions of dollars, the Starr Investigation found us Monica’s stained blue dress. More tens of millions spent investigating Trump have unearthed no crimes, just Stormy Daniels and her seedy lawyer. Got it:powerful men are the lawful prey of opportunistic women (or vice-versa; it's hard to say). Trump talks like a lout. Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein and John Kennedy were louts, and Hillary Clinton enabled them. This was costly     information that the National Enquirer or TMZ gave us for free.

8.    Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is supposed to be the next Bernie Sanders. If so, she is the worst sequel since World War II.

You should not get too near socialism in the same way you don’t want to be too close to the ape exhibit at the zoo. It was reported in the last few weeks that liberal/progressive/socialist San Francisco has had conventions cancelled because of all the homeless people there defecating in the streets. When asked to explain this failure of socialism, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blamed Shinola.

Ron Hart is a libertarian op-ed humorist and award-winning author. Contact him at or @RonaldHart on Twitter.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Trump is getting things done