Crestview area cousins collect coats, toiletries for area homeless

First cousins Alyssa Pursley, 10, and Kiera Murrell, 7, display some of the donations they’ve received for the homeless. The girls will collect donations through Dec. 14.

CRESTVIEW — Cousins Alyssa Pursley and Kiera Murrell are working to ensure Crestview area homeless have the basics for Christmas.

“They are gathering essentials as well as coats and blankets,” the girls’ grandmother, Pam Pursley, said. “So far they have 20 coats and are still accepting blankets.”

Alyssa, 10, and Keira, 7, are accepting donations through Dec. 14. They will turn the supplies over to the Church of Christ for distribution, Pursley said.

The girls seek blankets, gently worn adult coats, socks, and toiletries such as shampoo, hand lotion, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shaving cream, soap and bandages.

Alyssa and Kiera will collect toiletries, socks, blankets  and  gently worn coats through Dec. 14.

Contact Pam Pursley,, 603-7541, to arrange for a pickup.


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview area cousins collect coats, toiletries for area homeless