HELMS: Be 'all in' for God, or quit pretending

Now, we are entering the Christmas season.

You do remember Christmas, do you not? It is when we remember that the greatest gift ever given was from God to man. 

John 3:16 sums it up beautifully: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son." 

The Christmas gifts we give are reminders of what was given to us — not a contest to see who gets the most out of someone else.

This holiday season, drastic  decisions need to be made.

We have allowed so many people to be "offended" by Christmas' very name, but we who are followers of Christ should be offended by those who wish to remove Jesus from our lives. 

Why not let the voice of many rise up and be accounted for in honor of our Father? 

I find it offensive that we have sin shoved down our throat by those who claim we should be more tolerant.  

Try that with a member of ISIL.

I am offended when others use vulgar language in public, and I have not been afraid to address that at times to the individuals. 

We talk about God's mercy and grace, wonderful virtues of our heavenly Father, yet we also forget that He is a jealous God.

When He has had enough, He will respond. 

I do not want to be one who sits idly by while all others fall for this garbage.

Our greatest decision that can be made this year can be summed up in the Bible, when Joshua demanded that God's people make a decision concerning whom they would serve and worship. 

"But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." 

Christian friend, make up your minds. Either be totally for Him, or quit pretending. 

My friend, if you do not know Jesus as your Savior, seek Him while He may be found. He still cares so much that this world is still going on, just so that you may come to God and have your sins forgiven.

Some will not like what I have to say. That is quite all right. I only have one to please, and it is not any man on this earth, nor my wife and children. 

We choose to serve the Lord, and have been so awesomely blessed because of it. 

Stand firm and be blessed.

The Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., in Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: Be 'all in' for God, or quit pretending