13 things you didn't know about Cameron Gordon

Laurel Hill School boys basketball coach said Cameron Gordon is one of the few and far between leaders a coach loves to have.

LAUREL HILL — Cameron Gordon is the kind of basketball player every coach would love to have.

Fortunately for Kent Zessin and Laurel Hill School, he’s the Hoboes' senior point guard.

“To have a player like Cameron Gordon as a captain and a leader on this team is few and far between,” Zessin said. “Not only is he a leader on the court — you are talking about someone with close to a 4.0 grade point average and is high on the ACT scores.

“He can probably pick most colleges he wants to attend because of his grades. And not only that, he’s just a good kid. He’s a pleasure to coach.”

We now catch up with Cameron Gordon.

How old were you when you started playing basketball?

Ten years old.

What's the best part of basketball?

Getting the win with all your teammates, just playing and having fun.

What's the worst part of basketball?

Getting a loss and having a lot of turnovers.

What are your expectations this season?

We are going to go to state.

If you had to pick a different sport to play, what would it be?

Baseball, because that’s the sport I played before I played basketball.

What is your favorite basketball experience?

Probably when we played Kinston my eighth-grade year and I had a triple double (double digits in three different statistical categories).

What are your hobbies outside basketball?

Just hanging out with friends and just playing basketball.

What's your dream career?

Something in the Air Force or engineering.

Do you want to play college basketball?

Yes, I’d like to play college basketball, and my dream school would be Kentucky, because that’s the team I always grew up watching.

What is your favorite movie?

"Space Jam."

Who is your favorite singer?


If you could be a cartoon character, who would you be?

Probably Speedy Gonzales, because he’s fast.

If you could go back and live in any other period in history, which one would you choose?

Probably the 1940s and '50s, because everything was more laidback and, I think, nicer back then.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: 13 things you didn't know about Cameron Gordon