HUBBUB: Can't be driving habits, just one main road

Our Facebook fans have strong opinions about local and county officials who say poor driving habits contribute to Crestview traffic. Here are some of their comments.


Can't be driving habits

I don't believe it's poor driving habits at all. Driving habits can't be that bad in bumper-to-bumper, 10 mph traffic.

Greg Porch 


Can't compare to metros

Poor driving habits are a symptom, not the cause. Of course, traffic here isn't as bad as a metropolitan area with a few million people, but in my experience the traffic here is worse than in other towns of comparable size.

Aaron Jacobs 


Just one main road

Maybe if there was more than one road leading to the north side of town, traffic wouldn't get so backed up.

There are no other ways to get north of town without being on (State Road) 85. You can take Antioch (Road), but that runs into PJ Adams (Parkway), where there is also a lot of traffic.

Heather Carmack 


Similar to Nashville

I commuted to and from work in downtown Nashville while living 25 miles north of the city.

We now live just north of Crestview in a subdivision about 5 miles past Winn-Dixie, and it takes me just as long to drive to Walmart as it did to commute home in Nashville rush hour traffic. It's crazy!

Deanna Perry 


A different perspective

I just came back from the St. Pete/Tampa area. This traffic is a breeze. It's all about perspective.

Sheila Prater

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Can't be driving habits, just one main road