CHELCO reduces Northwest Florida member bills by $340,000

CRESTVIEW — Choctawhatchee Electrical Cooperative members will see a rate reduction on their November bills this year due to better-than-expected margins.

Members will see a reduction in the distribution cost adjustment, a rate that tracks changes in the cost to deliver power to members. It can increase or decrease, depending on how expenses fluctuate.

The DCA is currently $.00275 per kilowatt hour, but for the November bill, it will change to a $.00325 credit per kWh. 

The opportunity to provide this type of credit to members comes from CHELCO’s continued efforts to reduce costs while focusing on safety, member satisfaction and reliability, a spokesperson said.

The company:

●Reduced controllable costs below budget

●Avoided some wholesale power costs through its Beat the Peak programs. Members contributed to this effort by conserving power at times of peak demand.

●PowerSouth, CHELCO’s wholesale power supplier, refunded excess margins to CHELCO.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CHELCO reduces Northwest Florida member bills by $340,000