LETTER: No 'thank you' for this veteran: Bill Lundy

Civil War re-enactor Eli Chandler — of the Company E 1st regiment of Florida Volunteer Infantry, right — salutes Delano Lundy on Nov. 7. Chandler gave him the Confederate flag that was removed from public property where the William “Bill” Lundy Memorial once stood in Crestview. Sheila Hall, a Crestview resident of 69 years, says the flag never should have been removed.

Dear editor,

On Veterans Day, in the papers and on TV, we saw vets getting thanked for their service.

Just one veteran from Crestview was told to get out of town.

William "Uncle Bill" Lundy was the last surviving Florida veteran of the Confederate War. There once was a nice memorial on Highway 85, with the best-known battle flag of the Confederate States proudly flying over it.

Sadly, the NAACP made it their mission to get rid of all Confederate memorials in an attempt to erase and re-write history. They joined atheists in their war on prayer and Christian symbols.

The August meeting at the George Whitehurst building, which was paid for by Crestview taxpayers, was a farce.

We were treated rudely; people standing in the back with their Confederate flags were told to remove them from the building.

No one in the audience was allowed to speak, with threats to be escorted out of the building by a cop if they did.

Those who had asked to speak (before the meeting) were treated rudely, except the very few who wanted the monument moved. They were welcomed warmly by City Councilmen Bill Cox and Shannon (Hayes).

On Nov. 7, we attended the new Lundy Memorial dedication in Auburn; it was very sad for the family.

The NAACP may have won the battle, but we shall fight on.

I have lived in Crestview 69 years. I know a lot about war.

My husband crawled across Africa, Sicily and Europe with a machine gun on his shoulder. He was a survivor of D-Day. Our son served a year in Vietnam — the longest year of my life! — and I lost a brother-in-law in WW2.

I fly a Confederate flag in my yard. I'd like to see more flags flying, and a fund to put the largest flag that's made to go in the Lundy Memorial Gardens.

I hope true Southern people will rally together come Election Day and vote these lily-livered traitors out of office.

We need to replace the entire city council, mayor and city attorney with local people — preferably born here.

Thank you for your service, Uncle Bill Lundy.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: No 'thank you' for this veteran: Bill Lundy