CROSE: Mind your driving manners

When my husband and I moved to Florida about 11 years ago, I read a humorous Dave Barry column that stays with me today.

He stated that anyone could get a driver's license in Florida — even a whale that washed up on the beach.

In that same column, Dave Barry said speed limits in Florida were merely "suggestions."

It appears he was right. I am amazed at how fast people drive when the posted speed limit is 45 mph.

Driving south on State Road 85 these days shows total disregard for speed limits.

Due to construction on S.R. 123, the speed limit slows down to 45 on S.R. 85, and remains there all along S.R. 123. This is reasonable, given the workers and trucks entering and exiting while working on the new road. 

Apparently, the slower speed doesn't suit a vast majority of drivers who tailgate and impatiently whip around when they reach the passing lane.

One would think the extra two or three minutes they spend obeying the speed limit would ruin their entire day.

I learned to drive in California, home of fast freeways, mountainous roads and unlicensed drivers. We were taught "safety first."

We were also taught to follow the road conditions, no matter the posted speed limit. If it is foggy or rainy, slow down until you are driving at a safe speed.

Additionally, we were taught to leave a minimum of two seconds between us and the car ahead of us for a safe stopping distance. When I do this here, a car inevitably cuts into that safe space.

Serious, even fatal, accidents can be avoided by obeying speed limits and other traffic laws.

We are entering the holiday season — please slow down. 

Nothing, not even that electronics bargain, is worth getting seriously injured or killed over.

Another five minutes of driving time won't hurt, and it may save your life or that of another. 

Please be safe out there when you are driving.

Remember: a little consideration and slowing down will make our roads safer here in Crestview and surrounding areas.

Janice Lynn Crose lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CROSE: Mind your driving manners