BROADHEAD: Unconditional love is worth celebrating, sharing

Are Christians perfect? Are we free from sin? Do we have the right to pass judgment on others?

Absolutely not!

But isn’t that what some people within Christianity do — judge others; look down their nose at them?

The truth is, Christ’s churches are not full of perfect people. Everyone has occasions when grave errors are made; when sin rears its ugly head.

But the church is full of people who have received a wonderful gift from God — forgiveness. In Jesus Christ we are restored to a healthy spiritual life.

That we, as Christians, have been forgiven for sins does not make us better than anyone else. That we are part of a church family does not erase our past.  

Still, there can be a tendency to forget our mistakes. There can be a tendency to forget how easily one can disobey God's will. We may even forget how God’s forgiveness helped make us whole once again.

Because of that forgetfulness, there can be a tendency to judge others.

But we should never forget that even in our forgiven state we are imperfect; we have no right to cast stones at others. We have simply, kindly been forgiven. We receive this forgiveness because of God’s grace.

Grace — God’s unconditional love — separates Christianity from all other world religions. Other faiths believe God appears in human form. Other religions have accounts of people returning from the dead. Others talk about the gift of forgiveness.

But no other religion makes the claim of grace.

Buddhists follow an eight-fold path to enlightenment. It’s not a free ride. Hindus believe in karma; that your actions continually affect the way the world will treat you. The Jewish code of the law implies God has requirements for people to be acceptable to him. Islam believes in a God of judgment who must be placated.

Only Christianity proclaims God’s love is unconditional. God freely gives to us the gifts of forgiveness, mercy and love.

This is worth celebrating. It is worth remembering. It is what we are called to share with others, because we have received it from God in Jesus Christ.

Remember from where you have come. Take heed of where others may be. Share with them the love, grace, acceptance and forgiveness you, yourself, have received from God.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is pastor at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: BROADHEAD: Unconditional love is worth celebrating, sharing