Crestview weightlifter is Ohio bound

LEFT: Crestview's Nikita Ottosen — who competed in the Oct. 2-3 National Strongman Competition in Quad Cities, Iowa — qualifies for the Arnold Sports Festival, scheduled for March 3-6, 2016 in Columbus, Ohio. RIGHT: Ottosen — pictured competing in the log clean and press — trains with her coach, Stephen Schiff, at Militia Fitness in Crestview.

CRESTVIEW — Nikita Ottosen has conquered the National Strongman Competition in Quad Cities, Iowa.

What is she going to do next?

Represent the United States in competition at the Arnold Sports Festival, scheduled for March 3-6 in Columbus, Ohio, according to the event's website.

"The festival has expanded into the world’s largest multi-sport fitness weekend since 1989, when it debuted…," states, noting actor and bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger co-promotes the event.

Ottosen, a Crestview resident, qualified for the event after competing in the Oct. 2-3 National Strongman Competition in Quad Cities, Iowa.

She performed in these events:

●Log clean and press: 155 pounds for total repetitions in 60 seconds

●Conan’s Yoke Front Carry: 60 feet, 350 pounds

●Farmer’s Carry: 190 pounds, each hand, for 60 feet

●One-armed Circus Dumbbell press: 90 pounds; one-armed deadlift: 145 pounds; and medley for reps in 60 seconds

●Sand bag sprint: 30 feet loading on a 3-foot platform; 120 pounds, 140 pounds and 160 pounds

Ottosen finished fifth in the middle weight (140-160 subdivision) class. She placed 14th overall in the middle weight (140-180) class out of 37 female competitors.

Ottosen — who trains with her coach, Stephen Schiff at Militia Fitness in Crestview — qualified for Nationals earlier this year during the Alabama’s Strongest Man competition in Gulf Shores.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview weightlifter is Ohio bound