Right-of-way parking issue sparks public comment

Crestview resident Landrum Edwards speaks to the city council members during the Aug. 27 workshop meeting. [KAYLIN PARKER/NEWS BULLETIN]

CRESTVIEW — The Crestview city council members have a long list of important tasks coming up, and among those tasks is the "right-of-way parking and enforcement procedures."

Crestview resident Landrum Edwards spoke to the council about the parking issue at the Aug. 27 workshop meeting.

"This was brought up 20 years ago. You go to the south side of town, some parts of the north, to the west … a lot of the old houses are built right up next to the road," Edwards said. "Where do you park? On the right of way."

The council members discussed whether or not the police department has the ability to give someone a ticket that is parked in the street, blocking off a lane.

Police Chief Jamie Grant wasn't aware of any ordinance that gives them the ability to ticket someone in this case, but said he would do more research on this issue.

"…I need to look into it a little bit more rather than be blindsided. If we write the citation, how is that citation heard … through the court system or is it heard through the city level with it being an ordinance?" Grant said. "There's a little black area right there."

City ordinance 86-37 states that people have 12 hours to move their vehicles before they can be towed. According to the meeting agenda, the Crestview Police Department has used a 72-hour sticker that stated the vehicle had to be moved in 72 hours or it would be towed.

There is also a city ordinance that prohibits parking in the roadway unless marked for parking.

Councilman Doug Faircloth said he gave an ordinance about parking in the street to the previous police chief, but it was not enforced.

The city does have ordinances that prohibit parking in the right of way, but Gaillard said the ordinances are not specific to the shoulder of the right of way.

Edwards was concerned about another law enforcement matter — illegal drug use. He spoke about the issues with drugs he's facing on his street.

"I've complained about it," Edwards said. "I've talked to the mayor about it, and he agreed … We've got a problem."

Other important tasks discussed included a study of the flow of traffic on Highway 85, Title VI non-discrimination policy, and new zoning categories.

The council members will place a low, medium, or high priority on each task and then, give their list to Growth Management Director Teresa Gaillard.

A complete lists of tasks can be found on the Aug. 27 workshop meeting agenda on the city's website.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Right-of-way parking issue sparks public comment