LETTER: Clorox, good workers could clean Okaloosa courthouse

Dear editor,

Please take some of the workers that know what they're doing, and know how to do something — besides trying to figure out how to spend all our tax money, and the B.P. oil money.

Please take them and buy some old-fashioned Clorox — not the cheap kind — and good old vinegar.

And pay the workers to do the work!

Then let it dry after a good scrubbing. Go to the paint store and buy some real good paint and repaint it all.

Then after this, if you need (to add) other spaces to our good old county courthouse, do it guys! Add on wherever it needs to be done.

Please don't waste our good things that are already there. I watched the courthouse being built in the '50s!

So my idea is to save our beautiful historical courthouse that everyone is proud of, and this will save 21 million tax dollars.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Clorox, good workers could clean Okaloosa courthouse