HELMS: Do God's will — don't just seek it

2 Corinthians 5:18 and 19 says we have been given the ministry of reconciliation. Jesus came so He could be the bridge between God and man. 

In other words, man's atonement depends on the blood of Christ being shed at the cross. 

We have been given the ministry to bring our fellow man to an understanding of that atonement and to help bridge the gap that sin has placed in all of us to keep us away from the Father. 

We do this through the preached Word and by way of our example and lifestyle. 

If we continue in sinful acts and appearances, how can we help others reach the Father and get to know His great love and forgiveness? 

The truth is, we cannot. 

We must once again remember where we came from and what we once were.

We are forgiven — not perfect.

Watch our example, listen to not only the words that come out of our mouths, but the tone and the way we say them. 

Do we exemplify Jesus in all of our daily walk? 

We all fall short of the goal at times. Do not take that statement as an excuse to fall short, for if we would observe ourselves daily and allow Him to correct us, our path would be so much more victorious. 

In John 17:16-20, we find a prayer made for those who followed Jesus then, and for all those who would follow Him later. 

By reading His Word and allowing it to get deep within us on a daily basis, we can be so much more effective in our efforts to help bridge the gap between God and man, one person at a time. 

Don't just seek His will — do His will. 

Win others through your relationship. May God bless you.

The Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., in Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: Do God's will — don't just seek it