5 ways Northwood Elementary students make photos more interesting

Northwood Arts and Science Academy yearbook photographers Jackson Richard, Gabby Eaton, Braylen Blackshear, Bella Spies, Grace Kimble and Ryan Prescott demonstrate that sometimes all it takes to make a great photo is a different angle.

CRESTVIEW — The News Bulletin loves to receive photos from local organizations and share those images at www.crestviewbulletin.com and in our newspaper.

But sometimes, our editorial staffers have trouble working with the photos. Perhaps the resolution is too low — which happens when an image is reduced for sending in an email — or so many people are in the photo it just won’t fit in the available space unless some are cropped out.

So we visited a meeting of Northwood Arts and Science Academy’s yearbook photography staff, where six enthusiastic fifth-graders shared these tips for great pics.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: 5 ways Northwood Elementary students make photos more interesting