LETTER: Don't want higher taxes, Crestview? Attend this meeting

Citizens of Crestview, 

Tuesday night, the Crestview City Council voted 3-1 to increase the millage rate by 1.1 mills, and approved the proposed, tentative $29.5 million budget that drove the increase.

Councilmen Shannon Hayes, Joe Blocker and Bill Cox voted in favor of the increase; Councilman JB Whitten dissented on both votes.

There were a half-dozen citizens in the audience, and only three of us spoke — all against the increased property tax.

Maybe the reason for the poor showing is that the public hearing was held at 5 p.m.; maybe not. As citizens, we need to be involved and hold our elected officials accountable.

Our ad valorem taxes are already the highest in the county. 

Some points to consider:

●This budget includes an across-the-board 5 percent pay raise for city employees

●It includes an $800,000 operating system for the police department to improve reporting (about $145,000 in the fiscal year '16 budget)

●The fuel line item was only decreased by two departments (Police and Inspections) even though the cost of fuel has decreased significantly (this year's fuel budget is $37,000 more than actually spent in fiscal year '14)

●Retirement contributions and life/health insurance costs were reduced by over $500,000. (Where did this money go?).

I'm sure there are some other line items that need to be discussed and should have been earlier in the process.

The increase is all but in the bag, but it's not set in stone.

The final hearing is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 28 at City Hall. If you are not in favor of your taxes being raised, show up and be heard.

If you can't make the meeting, call or email the council; their contact info can be found on the city website, http://www.cityofcrestview.org/citycouncil/citycouncil_overview.php.

Better yet, contact them and show up at the hearing.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet us.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Don't want higher taxes, Crestview? Attend this meeting