HAPPENINGS: A smile and greeting for every snowbird

This is the time of year when winter snowbirds return to Northwest Florida.

Welcome back; we are glad you have returned!

It is enjoyable to share a cup of coffee and catch up with our part-time residents. I have made new friends with people from Indiana, Minnesota, Illinois and other northern states. I hope they find our area as welcoming and friendly as our family does. 

It is delightful talking with them about their hometowns and hobbies. Several of the ladies enjoy sewing and quilting; many attend our churches and Bible studies. They also frequent our restaurants and coffee spots, so it is easy to get to know them. 

When I am out and about, I try to greet at least one person I don’t know. A smile and greeting are always welcoming.

While I am out, seeing our military in uniform makes me very grateful for the sacrifices they make for us. My family prays for our troops and their families, especially those who have loved ones deployed.

But I digress. We know where the winter snowbirds are, but what about when you travel?

Where would you like to go on a winter vacation, if time and expense were no object?There are so many fabulous spots to visit in our country. 

Since I am not a fan of cold, I would go someplace warm such as Walt Disney World, San Diego or the Grand Canyon.

We have relatives who go to Arizona each winter. Skiers would love the ski runs in Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Washington State, Lake Tahoe and Mammoth Mountain — all gorgeous places.

Drop me a note and let me know where your ideal winter vacation would be. I am sure that we would all like to visit different places; it would be fun to explore our wish lists!

If you have any “Happenings” please drop me an email so that I can publicize it.  My email is NorthOkaloosaHappenings@gmail.com  Have a wonderful week and please say “hi” if you see me around town on my jaunts.

Janice Lynn Crose lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her brother, Robb; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HAPPENINGS: A smile and greeting for every snowbird