HAPPENINGS: More adventures from California

I recently visited California to spend time with my parents, whom I had not seen for years. My Dad just celebrated his 90th birthday, so it seemed like it was time. 

My first observation? Flying these days is fairly uncomfortable. Airlines pack you into tiny regional jets like sardines, and connections are tight. I almost missed my connection waiting for my gate-checked carry-on. I got exercise that day, walking fast and running for over a half-mile. They held the plane for three of us, thank goodness. 

I had wonderful companions on both flights: a young lady from London was my seat mate on the way to Houston, and a young man born in Northern California but raised in Mexico was my seat mate to Ontario. I love to learn more about others, and it is especially fun to learn about other cultures.

And how wonderful it was to see Dad and Mom; of course, we had several adventures. I wrote a few weeks ago about our trip to the dentist. After that, we visited Knott's Berry Farm and ate at Mrs. Knott's Chicken Dinner restaurant. We have delicious fried chicken here in the South, but — my goodness — their fried chicken, buttermilk biscuits and boysenberry jam? Fabulous! It does seem that we ate out quite a bit, but with the different restaurants, there was always some place new to eat. And no trip to Southern California would be complete without a trip (or two) to In N Out Burgers — fresh burgers and fries!

It isn't as much fun to reflect on the more mundane things like cooking, dishes, laundry, yard work and feeding the pets. My Mom and I got to spend time talking and visiting while we scrapbooked and made cards. It is so much more fun to do crafts with another person.

What are your thoughts on family vacations? Do you enjoy just taking day trips and spending time with your loved ones, or do you prefer to go somewhere, like the beach, the zoo, or a specific destination?

Janice Lynn Crose lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her brother, Robb; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

Email listings of upcoming events to NorthOkaloosaHappenings@gmail.com.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HAPPENINGS: More adventures from California