HAPPENINGS: Sharing Mother's cranberry nut bread recipe

I am now busy with my baking, decorating and Christmas cards.

But for now, let's focus on the baking.

See below for Mother's Cranberry Nut Bread recipe; I think she has made this bread for about 50 years. I baked two loaves and took one into the Crestview News Bulletin offices for them to sample. (Editor's Note: It was delicious!)



1 package rinsed fresh cranberries

1/2 cup water

1-3/4 cups white sugar

6 ounces orange juice concentrate

4 cups all purpose flour

1 Tablespoon baking powder

2 teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon baking soda

4 eggs

2/3 cup oil (I use canola)

2 teaspoons orange peel

1 cup of chopped walnuts or pecans

Boil the cranberries, water, sugar and orange juice concentrate in a sauce pan until the cranberries pop.

Sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and baking soda, then gently add the cranberry mixture and mix well.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, add oil, orange peel and nuts and mix well, then add the egg mixture to the flour and cranberry mixture and mix thoroughly.

Coat 2 loaf pans with cooking spray, lightly dust the bottom of the pans with flour, then evenly divide the mixture into the loaf pans.

Bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees.  A toothpick should come out clean when the bread is done.

Cool for 10 minutes, gently remove from the pan and continue to cool on baking racks.



Now, on to December Happenings:

•Laurel Hill Middle School Christmas Program: 6:30 p.m. Dec. 9, 8078 4th St., Laurel Hill. Tickets: $1.

•Crestview High School Choir Winter Program: 7 p.m. Dec. 9, Pearl Tyner Auditorium, 1250 N. Ferdon Blvd., Crestview. Tickets: $7 adults; $5 children.

•Advent Service: 7 p.m. Dec. 10, Our Savior Lutheran Church, 171 W. North Ave.

•Schola Cantorum from Northwest Florida State College: 7 p.m. Dec. 10, First Presbyterian Church, 492 N. Ferdon Blvd., Crestview. Offering accepted.

•Crestview High School Drama presents "Harvey": 7 p.m. Dec. 12; 7 p.m. Dec. 13; and 3 p.m. Dec. 14, Pearl Tyner Auditorium, 1250 N. Ferdon Blvd. Tickets: $5. 

•"The Living Nativity": 5:30-8 p.m. Dec. 13, Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church, 8115 4th St. This is the story of the first Christmas told in a fun, interactive way. A combined church effort with Laurel Hill and Crestview Presbyterian, as well as other Laurel Hill churches; features live animals.

•Red Roots gospel concert: 6 p.m. Dec. 13, Central Baptist Church, 951 S. Ferdon Blvd. Donation: $10.

•"What Sweeter Music," a Christmas Cantata written by Mark Hayes: 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Dec. 14, Crestview First United Methodist Church, 599 Eighth Ave., Crestview.

•Crestview High School Band Christmas Program: 7 p.m. Dec. 16, Pearl Tyner Auditorium, 1250 N. Ferdon Blvd.  No charge. Come hear music to celebrate the season played by Crestview's finest young musicians.

If you see me on my jaunts around town, please wish me a "Merry Christmas." I hope that you have a wonderful week.

Janice Lynn Crose lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her brother, Robb; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

The former music teacher enjoys scrapbooking, sewing, playing the piano and studying the Bible.

Email listings of upcoming events and activities of public interest to  NorthOkaloosaHappenings@gmail.com.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HAPPENINGS: Sharing Mother's cranberry nut bread recipe