CROSE: Mother’s Day, every day — express your love

I offer a tribute to mothers everywhere, for all they do for us. 

Even when we are grown, our need for a mother's love, nurturing and care doesn't change.

When I am sick or hurt, I still want my Mom. This seems to be a natural reaction: to desire our mother during times of stress and crisis.

We just celebrated Mother's Day and paid tribute to our wonderful mothers. I was reflecting on some of the many things our moms do and have done.

Our mothers gave birth to us or, if we are adopted, they chose to take us into their family; they loved, nurtured, fed and clothed us. She sang lullabies and rocked us, took care of us when we were sick, fixed our "boo-boos," dried our tears, brought our homework or lunch to school when we left it home, drove us to sports practices, scouting events and church. She rooted for us, whether scholastically, musically, at sports events, or Bible challenges at church. 

My mother taught me about the Lord Jesus and His gift of salvation, and made sure that all of her children were brought up going to church and knowing about the Lord. She wanted all of us to have a personal relationship with Christ Jesus, as had her mother and grandmother before her. It is our family's tradition to teach the children about the Lord.

My mother also sewed for us. She is an extraordinary seamstress and as a child I always had beautiful clothes; and then she began making gorgeous quilts that we all love. Jim, my husband, and I have a gorgeous wedding quilt, several lap quilts, wall hangings and a magnificent quilt for our bed that I have to hide from the collies! 

Our mothers are amazing, and if you didn't shower your mother with love and affection last Sunday, make sure you do it today.

No one ever knows what tomorrow holds. 

Janice Lynn Crose lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim, her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine, and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CROSE: Mother’s Day, every day — express your love