HELMS: God has prepared us for life's storms

With meteorology and modern technology, we can react to storms well before they affect us, the Rev. Richard Helms says. But natural disasters, like this week's Tropical Storm Erika, aren't the only threats out there. Life's storms — financial difficulties, marital problems, struggles at work, and physical and mental problems — also are brewing around us. Reading the Bible helps people survive these events, Helms says.

While I was writing this column, there was a storm brewing south of us.

It dissipated and did not affect Northwest Florida, but please pray for the Island of Dominica, which was devastated.

It got me thinking: With weather events, many people worry; others prepare.

For some people, natural disasters are a good reason to visit friends or relatives in other areas. Others believe we are safe and comfortable where we are; they wait it out. 

With meteorology and modern technology, we can react to storms well before they affect us. But natural disasters aren't the only threats out there. Life's storms — financial difficulties, marital problems, struggles at work, and physical and mental problems — also are brewing around us.

But does anything signal life storms?

Yes: God's Word.

We are warned that spiritual storms can, and will, result in physical storms with great damage. Yet God has already seen the approaching storm, and has provided strength, healing and deliverance for us in Jesus Christ's atoning work.

Why would He do this? 

Because we are His creation and He loves us, enough to allow His Son to die that we might have salvation; that we might have a more abundant life. 

There are things we do not understand; events we would rather not face, but who better to depend on than He, who sees all, knows all, and is in all places? 

For years, I struggled with God, not understanding why He took my grandfather with cancer.

One day, I allowed Him to get in a word or two, and He showed me that He had indeed answered my prayer and healed my grandfather, for he would never again face the pain, or see things that I would do that would have hurt him more than the cancer. 

As Paul stated, to be absent in the body is to be in the Lord's presence.

My friend, your storm is being limited by God and your obedience to Him. Make your preparations to meet Him now, not later. 

Get to a place of confidence with Him that when you see your storms, you can know he has prepared you; has a greater plan; and this storm is just an inconvenience to be overcome and brought through. 

Be safe; God is watching over you.

The Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., in Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: God has prepared us for life's storms