HELMS: How to be a blessing to others

In 2 Kings we meet a woman from Shunem that the Bible declares was a great woman.

We are told that when Elisha was in the area, she would provide bread and eventually a room for his well-being. Her great desire in life was to have a son, a wish which God does fulfill.

Later her son dies, and through the hand of Elisha, the child is brought back to life.  This is an amazing story that I would like to study a little deeper.

First of all, long before she gives birth to that son, God's Word declared that she was a great woman. It could indicate that she was a woman of financial means. That being the case, she was able to be a blessing to others in this realm and apparently did so with ease.

She chose the prophet of God, and placed no limits and expected no favors from him. My personal feeling is that she was considered great because she had a heart of love for God and those that represented Him. As a result God did give her favor and a specific purpose, to bless Elisha. She proved that His trust in her was well developed.

Secondly, the gift given to her of a son indicates that God was pleased with her. So why did He allow this son to die? Could it be that God was so trusting of her faith in Him that she would be given an opportunity to grow to the next level of intimacy with Him, total dependency upon Him?

She passed the test, and the lad was given back to her. I do not recall ever reading what happened to this young lad after he grew up. Could he have grown up to be a prophet? Perhaps he was able to also bless others as his mother had. We do not have a way of knowing for sure.

 My friend, you too can be a great person and bless others, and have the blessings of God upon your life.

You may have to watch your pennies, may not have a lot of time or ideas, but a willing heart is all it takes to be a blessing to someone else.

Some of the greatest blessings I have ever received were from simple words of encouragement, or just a soft gentle touch, or even a firm strong handshake. Touching a child gently on the cheek can set off fireworks in their eyes that lights up my world — what a blessing! What made that woman a blessing to Elisha and be blessed by God was her heart and willingness to reach out.

Through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, your heart can be changed to an even deeper love for all of those around you, making you a blessing like you were intended to be. Yes, you will go through trials, and yes, you will get hurt. But when He returns, you will see blessing beyond compare. Search for Him today. He can be found in any room in your house, in your car, or at a good local church. Find Him, and be blessed by Him.

The Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: How to be a blessing to others