Crestview Sister City visit could inject $20K into area economy

Crestview Area Sister City Program members Pam and Joe Coffield and Crestview High School French teacher Chris Lanoue schedule events and activities for an October visit by 34 people from Noirmoutier, France.

CRESTVIEW — Thirty-four French visitors soon will experience Northwest Florida culture and enhance their English conversational skills, which may include an occasional “y’all” and “bless your heart.”

The 22 students and 12 adults — visiting Crestview from its sister city, Noirmoutier-en-l’Île — also will inject $16,000 to $20,000 into the area economy during their Oct. 16-30 visit, organizers said.

Visitors will stay with host families who take their guests sightseeing, shopping and out to eat, contributing to the economic benefit of Crestview and Noirmoutier's relationship, which Sister Cities International formalized in May 1997.

Noirmoutier Sister City Committee President René Relandeau said each student has been instructed to bring at least $450, but many will bring more, and the adults will bring a minimum of $700 each. They are also renting a van — which costs more than $700 for the two-week stay — and renting cellphones for adult guests.

The October visit — which reciprocates a May trip to Noirmoutier by a delegation of 18 Crestview-area residents — marks the 20th anniversary of the first exchange between the two communities. Event organizers' calendar of events will include dinners, lunches, shopping, a Mattie Kelly Arts Center concert, visits to the Baker Block Museum and the Baker corn maze, and area tours.

Organizers and supporters said the program has many benefits. 

“Cultural programs like the Sister City organization add a dimension to the attractiveness of our area to different businesses who are seeking new opportunities for their employees,” Mayor David Cadle said.

“Many of our kids will never have an opportunity to visit France,” Crestview High School French teacher Chris Lanoue said. “The Sister City program brings French culture to them. Many of our previous hosts are still in regular contact with their French friends.”

That's the case for Crestview residents Jim and Jan Tuttle, who will host Relandeau and his wife, Madeleine.

“They are like part of the family,” Jan Tuttle said. “René said my boys are his ‘American grandsons.’”

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview Sister City visit could inject $20K into area economy