BROADHEAD: Strive to be a person of integrity

Jesus says to “be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” But perfection — as the world understands it — is an impossible goal for anyone. Rather, we are to strive for God’s perfection.

God is completely consistent. He does not waver in what he says is right or wrong. He does not waver in his love for every individual in creation. He knows what he stands for. He does good in all things.

Jesus calls us to know God’s teachings and expectations, and integrate them into every fiber of who we are. We are called to be persons of integrity. We don’t behave one way when with one group of people, and then behave in a different fashion when with another group of people. Who we are, as Christ's disciples, is constant and consistent.

It is challenging — we may want to join in a bit of gossip; we might want to spread a malicious rumor; or we may laugh at a raunchy, sexist or insensitive joke. But these things disappoint God, and those who know we are Christ's disciples. We lose some integrity in their eyes.

During these times, sincerely apologize to those around you, confess to God and move forward. Strive to be a person of integrity, fully integrated in the knowledge, teachings and ways of God in Jesus Christ.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is pastor at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: BROADHEAD: Strive to be a person of integrity