LETTER: Soon, women can profit from their fetuses

Dear editor,

Thomas, clearly both you and the cartoon missed the point.

Center for Medical Progress critics, including presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, along with Democratic senators who voted against the bill to defund Planned Parenthood, all realize that conversations regarding the selling of body parts were nothing more than advanced marketing research.

Clearly the Democratic Party leadership will stop all efforts to defund PP. With no moral objection to a "woman's control of her body" — to include selling the fetus body parts — the next step will be to help women monetize the value of their unborn fetuses. 

Based on a range from 18 to 22 months, a woman can use control of her body to produce at least two fetuses per year for the market.

This will allow PP to develop a breeding program that will ensure a steady flow of fetuses for harvesting.  

Imagine the benefits of a breeding program where PP is able to ensure a fetus' healthy development to include, but not limited to, the selection of the sperm donor. 

Clearly, this is a program whose time has come.

And, the good news for the American taxpayer is that by continuing to fund PP we are helping. 

PP's continuing control will help transfer the wealth of those most able to afford market price for body parts to those most willing to produce harvestable fetuses. And, it will confirm for PP that their original thinking — that America lacks a moral compass — is correct.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet us.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Soon, women can profit from their fetuses