HELMS: Make yourself available for salvation

This partially cropped version of "Jesus Walks on Water," by Ivan Aivazovsky (1888), depicts a familiar scene from the Bible. The Rev. Richard Helms says he imagines Christ weathering the elements to rescue his children as no easy feat. "I need a fighting savior; one who has been touched by disappointment and heartache, loss, and anything else life has to throw at me," he says.

Summer storms can pop up seemingly out of nowhere. 

You see a few clouds gather; you suddenly hear thunder; and the rain begins — hard. 

A pop-up storm may catch you while you're working in the yard. It may surprise you when you are on the river fishing. You may take a much needed "over 50" nap (they will get to you one day — after you turn 50, when you least expect them) and the crash of thunder suddenly awakes you.

Our Lord's disciples were in a boat upon the sea when a pop-up storm caught them. Lightning broke forth from the clouds; thunder rolled and the storm grew closer. 

On the opposite bank stood Jesus, looking at the storm, worrying for His children. There is only one way to reach them, so He begins walking on the sea. 

The boat is tossed around like a piece of driftwood, for that is what it has become to this storm. Facing their demise, the disciples cry out to God and continue fighting angry seas.

Looking out, they see a figure of a man walking toward them on the water. At first they are frightened, but soon realize this is not just any man; it is their master, Jesus. 

Peter calls out and the Savior answers, bidding him to come walk with Him. Peter does, but his faith is still weak, and he stumbles and sinks. Reaching down, Jesus pulls him out of the sea; together they climb into the boat and the waters calm. All are safe once more.

Are you a traditionalist who easily sees Jesus walking on the sea with no problem, unbothered by the storm? Do you picture Him being "gnarly," hanging ten without a board, falling off that big wave "just to save His bros, dude?"

I do not have a problem with either scenario. But may I share with you the vision of Jesus that I see and need?

I see the man, with eyes fixed and locked on me, knowing the storm is coming long before I saw it developing. 

Stepping on to the water, He has single-mindedly purposed to be my protector. 

He feels the waves crashing around and on Him; the sting of rain pelting on His face, and fierce winds howling in His precious ears. Picture Him fighting the elements, knowing He too has faced all that I am about to face; He presses on.

Amid my battle, He appears. 

Battle worn, touched by all that has touched me, he steps in to my life and causes the storm to cease to rage. 

I need a fighting savior; one who has been touched by disappointment and heartache, loss, and anything else life has to throw at me.

I need Jesus, the Christ; Son of the living God.

Perhaps you do, too. 

The Bible says He came to seek and save; why don't you help Him by making yourself available?

He can calm the storms, and will go against hell itself for your benefit, given the chance.

May God bless you.  Seek Him today.

The Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: Make yourself available for salvation