Man accused of pushing woman into picnic table

CRESTVIEW —A man with an injunction against him not only violated that injunction but pushed a woman into a picnic table, according to an Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office arrest report.

On Oct. 14 the two went to the Colonel Greg Malloy Road-Junior Walton Pond area to "hang out," the report indicated. While there, the man began to drink alcohol.

The became involved in an argument, and the woman tried to walk away. The man became upset and grabbed her by the face and pushed her into a nearby picnic table, the deputy wrote in the report.

The woman had minor redness to the left side of her face and ear, the deputy noted.

The man had been ordered by the court to not have any contact with the woman as per a Dec. 15, 2011 injunction.

He was charged with misdemeanor violating an injunction and battery. His court date is Nov. 6.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Man accused of pushing woman into picnic table