MY VIEW: In support of Warriors Hall

Nov. 3, a gathering of Crestview citizens and a number of folks from our “sister city” in France attended a program of classic orchestral melodies of the 1940s and ’50s in Warriors Hall.

The program, presented by the Friends of the Arts, featured the 17-member Downbeat Jazz Orchestra and vocalists Gina Walker and Saundra Daggs. It marked the first anniversary of the grand piano being donated to the city of Crestview and placed in Warriors Hall for all to hear and enjoy. Attendees wholeheartedly welcomed this fine musical ensemble with rounds of applause and kind post-concert words of encouragement, and a sincere desire for similar cultural events in the months to come.

Another effort to bring class entertainment to Crestview, specifically Warriors Hall, is the forthcoming presentation of “Arsenic and Old Lace” being brought to life by the Journey Java players.

These are just two events that provide great entertainment, at a nominal fee, aimed to all ages.  The jazz orchestra actually had a few folks up and dancing; the theatrical production will undoubtedly have folks spellbound and glued to their seats.

These, and other cultural events, are headed to Warriors Hall, an auditorium the city purchased several years ago for the express purpose of bringing relaxing and educational experiences to residents. Thanks to Wayne Steele and his employees in the Public Works department, the  once-visible roof and supporting girders have been hidden by a dropped ceiling — which finishes off the room — and an enhanced lighting system was installed.

Once residents visit this facility, utilization of this classy auditorium for various occasions — like plays, concerts, piano recitals and wedding receptions — will be first in various organizers’ minds.

Bob Allen, a retired city councilman, lives in Crestview.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: MY VIEW: In support of Warriors Hall