Bulldog soccer team honors Markos

The Crestview boys soccer team honored former Bulldog Markos Papadopoulos, who was killed in a car accident earlier this year, Tuesday before their game with Pine Forest.

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CRESTVIEW — The Crestview soccer team honored Bulldog soccer player Markos Papadopoulos, who was killed in a car accident in August, Tuesday at Jack Foster Stadium as the Bulldogs opened their home schedule against District 1-5A foe Pine Forest.

The backs of all Bulldog players’ had the name Papadopoulos, who would a have been a senior.

And it wasn’t just the soccer team paying tribute to Papadopoulos.

A record crowd that included cheerleaders, band members, parents, teachers, community members and a multitude of students was on hand to cheer Crestview to a 5-1 victory.

The Bulldogs started out slow and were down 1-0 in the first half. With about three minutes to go in the half, David Born scored to tie up the game.

The second half belonged to the Bulldogs, who played with renewed effort.

David Born scored his second goal of the night early in the second half, putting Crestview up 2-1. The other half of the Born brother tandem, Jeremy, then scored off a free kick, making it 3-1.

David Born scored his third goal of the match, putting Crestview up 4-1. The Bulldogs closed out the scoring when Josh Robles combined with David Born for the night’s final goal.

Crestview moves to 1-2 in district play and plays West Florida Tech on Monday.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Bulldog soccer team honors Markos