Triple-B to include arts and culture

The Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce’s Arts and Culture Committee members listen as Chairperson Rae Schwartz, center, discusses upcoming plans.

CRESTVIEW — The Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce’s Arts and Culture Committee hopes to add a cultural component to the spring’s annual Triple-B festival.

Following its mission of “linking arts and culture with the community,” the committee, formed several months ago, is exploring ways to include local artists and cultural performance groups in the city’s largest street festival. Next year’s Triple-B will be April 6.

“People can come to the Triple-B and enjoy great food as well as admire local arts and crafts,” committee chairperson Rae Schwartz said.

The chamber’s young professionals committee annually produces The Triple-B — barbecue, bluegrass and Blackwater. While it has often included out-of-town vendors selling crafts, jewelry, candles and other items, this marks the committee’s first concerted effort to encourage local artists’ participation.

Gathered at its monthly meeting at the Java Journey coffee shop, committee members discussed inviting area folkloric or heritage performers to sing or dance at the Triple-B south stage near the railroad tracks. Artists would be located in the same area.

In other matters, the Arts and Culture Committee:

• Reviewed the recent CALA: Crestview Area Loves the Arts Christmas festival and discussed adding a local restaurants component next year.

• Discussed plans to use portable gallery displays for featuring local artists’ exhibits at the monthly chamber of commerce breakfasts.

“If a business wants local art to hang in their office, this is a way to see what local artists are doing and get to talk to the artist,” Schwartz said.

Contact News Bulletin Arts & Entertainment Editor Brian Hughes at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbBrian.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Triple-B to include arts and culture