CHECK IT OUT: A book to help anyone understand the federal budget

The numbers that make up the federal budget and budget deficits are difficult to comprehend.

When hearing about trillions or billions of taxpayer dollars that are appropriated here or there, it is easy to lose track of the fiscal picture.

David Wessel’s “Red Ink” is a call to action for Americans to be aware of where money from the federal budget goes and comes from.

He explains — in plain language — our budget’s current state, its history, and what measures are needed and not needed to have a more balanced budget.

Here's some interesting information I was not aware of: "About $1 of every $4 the federal government spends goes to health care today, and that share is rising inexorably."

Also, "nearly two-thirds of annual federal spending is on autopilot and doesn’t require an annual vote by Congress."

Read this short but informative book and let knowledge be your guide when casting a vote.

Library Staff Website Pick

Have questions about the Affordable Care Act? This is the site you should start with.

Included are the health care law’s full text, explanatory videos, frequently asked questions and answers, and updates.

Marie Garcia is the Crestview Public Library's assistant library director.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CHECK IT OUT: A book to help anyone understand the federal budget