LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Leaving dogs in hot cars should be criminal

Dear editor,

My wife and I ate breakfast at the Waffle House on South Ferdon in Crestview around 11:30 a.m. Monday. It was very hot outside. After we had finished eating, we went to our car and saw two lovely dogs who had been left unattended in a very hot car.

I wouldn't even think about leaving my dogs in a hot car while I eat.

We called the police and was told they would be out to check it out. We waited there for 15 minutes for the police to come out.

A woman did finally came out of the Waffle House and started to pet the dogs — not even bringing any water for them. My wife yelled over to her and said it was too hot for these dogs to be left in the car. The woman said, "Well, we haven't eaten yet; the dogs will be okay.”

We left at that, and the police still hadn't arrived.

I think the police should treat dogs being unattended in a hot car a priority, and arrest those involved. We need enforceable laws to protect these animals.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Leaving dogs in hot cars should be criminal