Groups launch website to explain Affordable Care Act's provisions

TALLAHASSEE — Progress Florida and Florida CHAIN have launched Health Care for Florida Now,, to educate Floridians about new health coverage opportunities and to engage public support to protect, implement and support the Affordable Care Act.

The website acts as a clearinghouse for information on the health law's implementation and Florida's Medicaid expansion.

A key element of the health law is the extension of the Medicaid program, which will address Florida’s high rate of uninsured residents. More than 1 million people — many who have jobs but cannot afford health insurance — will become eligible for coverage.

Accepting the funds will also help to spur Florida’s still stagnant economy, a Florida CHAIN spokesperson said.

Another feature of the health law creates a health insurance marketplace in 2014 that will allow millions of Florida families to have affordable health care coverage.

"By providing a competitive health care marketplace, consumers will have more control, higher quality choices and better protections when buying insurance," a spokesperson said.

The marketplace will help low- and middle-income Floridians qualify for tax credits that will ensure affordable coverage, a spokesperson said.

Florida CHAIN is a statewide health care advocacy organization. Progress Florida is a nonprofit that promotes progressive values.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Groups launch website to explain Affordable Care Act's provisions