LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Remember who put you in office

Open letter to Councilman Joe Blocker:

Mr. Blocker,

Personally, I believe you should check yourself before you go demanding apologies from any of your constituents. Many of us have lived here a long time and have watched the corruption unfold before our eyes.

We have every right to voice our opinion.

Additionally, I would also say that if you were so terribly offended by such a calling out, it may just be because your own guilt is talking to you.

So just remember who put you in the office you now hold, Mr. Blocker — and who can put you out.

You will receive no apologies from those of us who know our rights.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor.


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Remember who put you in office