Crestview High School freshman's work tops at school art show

Crestview High freshman Jadzia Williams, right, presents her prize-winning paintings to her mom, Sharonda Cox, left, and best friend Kelsi Jackson during the school's annual art show.

CRESTVIEW — Creative works of art pleased the eye and taste buds at the annual Crestview High School Art Show opening reception Tuesday evening.

As patrons viewed flat and dimension works from the school's art studios, they ate treats created by culinary arts students. Sausage scallion quiche and potato pizetta mingled with mosaics, pencil drawings, sculptures and paintings.

"Mom! I got first place!" freshman Jadzia Williams said as she led her mother, Sharonda Cox, and best friend Kelsi Jackson to her colorful painting "Celestial Stargazing," which sported a blue ribbon. Hanging next to it was another of Jadzia's works, which earned a second-place ribbon.

Art teacher Tonnar Estingoy said he is always impressed by the quality of work from the school's studios.

Judges had a tough job this year due to the abundance of quality work, art teacher and department chair Laurel Breaux said.

"They kept saying, 'Are you sure we can't give out more awards?'" she said.

Contact News Bulletin Arts & Entertainment Editor Brian Hughes at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbBrian.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview High School freshman's work tops at school art show