LETTER: Confederate flag shouldn’t fly alone in Crestview

Dear editor,

I think most black Americans in the south realize that people displaying the Confederate flag no more support slavery than the black folks who wear an "X" on their caps — symbolizing Malcolm X — support his early radical beliefs on violence and isolation from white America. 

Nevertheless, I was somewhat surprised no one has raised a fuss until now!

Perhaps a compromise is in order: Fly the American flag also, or do away with the flagpole all together and put up a larger memorial stone with the Confederate flag engraved on it.

The display of just the Confederate flag does convey a message of racism to some people, and even if they are mistaken, it would be a shame to convey this false image of Crestview to anyone.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Confederate flag shouldn’t fly alone in Crestview