THE HOBO HOMEFRONT: Declutter before decorating your Christmas tree

While unpacking Christmas decorations — items I've acquired over several years — from the attic, I pondered why people keep things.

I have a system to determine what stays and what goes — a checklist with these questions:

•Why did I keep this? Did it have sentimental meaning?

•Have I forgotten about this item? If it’s been more than a year and I haven’t missed it, I probably don’t need it.

•Can I live without this item? Is it irreplaceable?

Making this list — and checking it twice — helps me keep clutter down so that spring cleaning is no hassle, and the house stays nice! 

And, with Christmas coming up, you have to make room for the new items that will take up space.

With that advice in mind, here's what's happening in Laurel Hill:

Homecoming Week kicks off Monday, when Laurel Hill School students return to class.

Monday is Camouflage/Duck Dynasty day; Tuesday is Character Day, when students dress like their favorite character from a book or movie; Wednesday is Decade Day, when students dress from a certain period, whether it's the roaring 1920s or the groovy 1970s! Thursday, students dress from different cultures for “Around the World” Day.

Friday is the Homecoming game and dance, so wear Hobo blue and gold! Saturday is the senior citizen prom.

Call the school, 652-4111, for more details.

Amber Kelley lives in Laurel Hill. Send news or comments to or P.O. Box 163, Laurel Hill, FL, 32567.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: THE HOBO HOMEFRONT: Declutter before decorating your Christmas tree