CHECK IT OUT: Looking forward and reflecting on development

The Crestview Public Library has books on hobbies, finance, health and diet, which may help ensure your 2013 resolutions’ success.

2013 means many Okaloosa County residents will set New Year’s resolutions.

Your library has shelves and shelves of books with expert advice on how to ensure you meet your goals.

See our display featuring books on hobbies, finance, health and diet.


2012 was a memorable year for us as we introduced new programs and events.

Exciting events included the Poetry Jam sessions that we hosted every third Tuesday of the month. Poets and musicians enjoyed the free-form open-mic poetry reading and jam session.

Also, our music in the library performed 6-8 pm by local artists every Monday and Tuesday allowed patrons to relax and enjoy the library as an entertainment venue.

The Northwest Florida Astronomy Association donated a telescope for those interested in stargazing. Tom Haugh, an association member, hosted a question-and-answer program to help novices get started. Haugh’s program continues 6:30 to 8 p.m. every third Tuesday of each month.

 We continued our Zumba classes on Friday mornings and knitting on Wednesday mornings.

We hosted several lecturers, with topics from aerodynamics to Tai Chi, the first Tuesday of each month. 

Our art gallery and showcase allowed local painters and three-dimensional artists to present their works.

Our Read to a Dog program was a big success. Dozer and Jada visited the library, ready to hear kids read.  

The library had many opportunities for patrons to come see, hear and participate in events throughout the year.  

So many events happened at the library this past year and all were fun, educational and entertaining. I’m looking forward to welcoming you to the many programs and events we have planned for 2013.

See for a full listing of library happenings.

Jean Lewis is the Crestview Public Library’s director.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CHECK IT OUT: Looking forward and reflecting on development