CRESTVIEW — Rising fourth- through eighth-graders may register this Saturday for Lego robotics camp.
The camp, presented by Davidson and Shoal River middle schools, will feature a science, technology, electronics and mathematics, or STEM, curriculum. Campers can build levers, pulleys, pumps and valves, among other simple machines.
Click here to print a registration form>>
In addition, campers can design, build and program Lego robots to perform certain tasks.
Davidson and Shoal River have First Lego League teams that participate in several competitions throughout the school year.
The teams’ coaches, Tim Sexton and Laurie Allen, of Davidson and Shoal River, respectively, will run the camps.
Camp dates are July 8-18 or July 29 through Aug. 8. Each camp runs 8 a.m. to noon.
The cost is $150 per student. June 29 is the deadline to register with full payment.
Send checks, made out to the Okaloosa County School District, or OCSD, and registration forms to Laurie Allen at Shoal River Middle School, 3200 Redstone Ave. E., Crestview, FL 32539.
Want to go?
Kick-off registration for the Summer Lego Robotics Camp runs 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. today inside Shoal River Middle School’s main entrance.
ContactDavidson Middle School coach Tim Sexton, 463-8872 or, or Shoal River Middle School coach Laurie Allen,, for more details on Lego robotics programs.
Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbMatthew.
This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Registration for robotics camp opening (FORM)