New Community Redevelopment Agency citizens advisory committee seated

Linda Parker, Cal Zethmayr, Pat Hollarn and David Wheeler, newly appointed members of the CRA advisory committee, converse after Monday's meeting.

CRESTVIEW — A citizens advisory panel was seated Monday evening to offer district improvement suggestions to the Community Redevelopment Agency.

New committee members are April Meier, Main Street merchant; Bill Kilpatrick, former city councilman; Linda Parker, former city councilwoman; Cal Zethmayr, Main Street representative; Pat Hollarn, former Supervisor of Elections and Historic Preservation Board appointee; David Wheeler, retired Eglin Air Force Base mission support staff member; and Doug Capps, a member of the city Board of Adjustments.

Members received information about the special taxing district, and were told about funds already designated, including the $50,000 facade improvement grant and $10,000 toward the city's centennial celebration in 2016.

The volunteers were also cautioned that as a city committee, they are subject to state Sunshine Laws.

Five appointments were made by the City Council, one appointee is from the Main Street Crestview Association and another is from the Historic Preservation Board, City clerk Betsy Roy said.

Board President Robyn Helt said the committee will be unfettered by the board and should work out its goals among its members.

Some suggested projects the committee might consider include a dog park and skate park for Twin Hills Park and a linear pedestrian park connecting the historic district and Twin Hills.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: New Community Redevelopment Agency citizens advisory committee seated