Crestview woman vying for national baking contest (RECIPE)

Dawn Onuffer adds sprinkles to a hot pink raspberry and cream cake, her entry in the 46th annual Pillsbury Bake-Off. The Crestview resident wants to be one of 34 finalists heading to Las Vegas with a chance to win the $1 million grand prize.

CRESTVIEW — Dawn Onuffer seeks support to bring her baking dreams to November’s 46th annual Pillsbury Bake-Off in Las Vegas. The Crestview resident is a semifinalist in the national competition.

The contest

Onuffer's Hot Pink Raspberry and Cream Cake recipe is one of 60 entries in the "Simple Sweets and Starters" category. Three other contestants, from Miami, Tampa and Melbourne, represent Florida in the category. The top 34 contestants with the most votes will receive an expenses-paid trip for the chance to win a $1 million grand prize.

"This is the mother of all baking contests," Onuffer said. "We will bake our recipes for the judges and they will select the top three finalists."

The second and third finalists win $10,000 and $5,000, respectively, according to the contest website. The top three finalists can choose from sponsor General Electric’s kitchen appliances. 

Four other $5,000 prizes will go to participants who present particularly creative recipes.

Onuffer — who expects to know voting results by July 4 — said she already knows what she’d do if given the ticket.

"I have never been out west … If we go I would like to take the family to see the Grand Canyon," she said.

Standout competition

"I just like to experiment (in the kitchen)," Onuffer said. "I just throw things together; that's just how I cook.”

However, she said, “I enjoy baking more so than cooking."

Onuffer — who has entered several baking contests in the last decade — participated in the Bake-Off four times before becoming a semifinalist in last year's Orlando competition.

"It was a cookie with a cream cheese, coffee-flavored topping," she said of her Cappuccino Toppers.

This year’s cake entry requires flour, eggs and sugar. Per contest guidelines, the recipe includes Pillsbury products,including hot pink vanilla-flavored frosting and the company's self-rising flour.

Click here for Dawn Onuffer's Hot Pink Raspberry and Cream Cake recipe>>

After a half-hour preparation time, the cake takes one hour and 40 minutes to bake. The result is a creamy, vibrant dessert.

“It’s the only pink recipe online (on the contest website) … it stands out really well," she said.

Want to vote?

Visit to vote for Dawn Onuffer's Hot Pink Raspberry and Cream Cake recipe. Deadline is 11:59 a.m. June 27.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview woman vying for national baking contest (RECIPE)