Shoal River boys eye upcoming basketball season

LEFT: Kameron Carlson, 11, watches as his basketball passes through the hoop during boys basketball camp on Wednesday in the Twin Hills Park gymnasium. RIGHT: Coach Mitch Buckelew instructs Braden Newell, 11, during boys basketball camp on Wednesday in the Twin Hills Park gymnasium.

CRESTVIEW — John Grodoski says he’s better prepared for Shoal River Middle School’s upcoming basketball season.

"I used to be bad at (dribbling) between the legs; now I am very good at it,” he said.

The difference was Shoal River Middle School coach Mitch Buckelew’s basketball camp, which taught 23 participants the sport’s fundamentals.

This week’s camp at the Twin Hills gymnasium facilitated lessons for 7- to 9-year-olds and 10-to 12-year-olds.

Running drills — on dribbling, shooting and other basics — and playing brief games against each other offered valuable lessons, the 11-year-old said.

"There is much more than dribbling and shooting; you have to play the game correctly," John said.

In fact, that’s the point of the camp, Buckelew said.

"We're just trying to show them some things they can do to get better in that area,” he said.

Kameron Carlson, 11, hopes the camp will improve his chances for making the boys basketball team in his first year at Shoal River.

"I just need practice; I have never actually played before," he said. "I just wanted to try something new."

Time on the court helped, he said.

"I have learned how to shoot better," Kameron said, adding he also improved in dribbling.  

However, improving his playing skills didn’t end at camp. He and John said they practice at home for one to two hours each day

Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbMatthew.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Shoal River boys eye upcoming basketball season