CRESTVIEW — Don Hennerberg and Walker Elementary School principal Jeanine Kirkland are concerned about neighborhood children’s safety.
Several parents picking up children after dismissal are parking their vehicles on an easement in front of Hennerberg's house, across the school from Stillwell Boulvard — and that’s a hazard, he said.
"The cars get so packed in there that kids can't walk by there safely," Hennerberg said. "It's getting so unorganized that somebody might get hurt."
Additionally, parked vehicles have forced neighborhood children to walk through Hennerberg’s yard, and some motorists have left trash behind, he said.
Hennerberg, who has three children attending the school, put up homemade signs to deter parking. He received mixed reactions prior to the signs’ removal at county officials’ request.
"We got compliments from parents and neighbors," he said. "On the other hand, we have gotten a lot of flak from the people who wanted to park there."
Parents’ parking on the easement is puzzling because the school has ample space, Kirkland said.
"There isn't really a necessity for parents to park there," she said. "I think it would be safer if people were not parking on the sides of the road."
In addition to Kirkland spreading the word about parking closer to the school, Hennerberg plans to gather public support to restrict parking.
He said he would collect signatures from other residents and present it before county commissioners at an upcoming meeting.
Want to show support?
Residents interested in signing Hennerberg's petition can contact him at 423-7344 or 902-3738.
Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbMatthew.
This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Walker Elementary’s parking raises parent’s, principal’s concern