Museum group elects officers, presents stewardship award

The Heritage Museum of Northwest Florida’s Gina Marini presents the 2012 Kenneth E. Bailey Presentation and Stewardship Award to longtime trustee Bill Reeder.

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VALPARAISO — The Heritage Museum of Northwest Florida’s 2013 board of trustees have been meeting as of Dec. 13, the organization announced.

Executive Committee members are Gordon King, chair; Steve Czonstka, vice-chair/finance; Donna Miller, vice-chair/membership; and Diane Plank, secretary.

Newly elected board of trustees members are Frank Berte’, David Jeffcoat, Martha Trau and Vandy Vela-Schneidt.

Continuing trustees are Carole Apfel, Lannie Corbin, Terri Fedonczak, Beverly Gross, Harold Peek, Bill Reeder and Erik Stoer.

The museum's staff, Gina Marini and Ginny Wimmers, presented trustee Bill Reeder with the 2012 Kenneth E. Bailey Preservation and Stewardship Award, which honors board members who exemplify giving of their "time, talent and treasure," as stated in a press release.

Reeder has served on the board for more than 20 years and with every director since the museum's inception. Along with various committees, he also served several years as board chairperson.

“Mr. Reeder’s years of support and dedication are commendable and his efforts invaluable,” Marini said.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Museum group elects officers, presents stewardship award