Laurel Hill church presents annual Harvest Supper tradition (VIDEO)

John Riley, 9, and Lacey Miller, a Laurel Hill School eighth-grader, work their ways down the bounteous supper table.

LAUREL HILL — About a hundred voices lifted in traditional American Thanksgiving songs Wednesday evening during the north county community's traditional Harvest Supper.

For Angela Holifield and her son Landon, 5, it was their first holiday feast in their new home. The military family moved to the Garden City community just weeks ago.

Watch video from the Laurel Hill Harvest Supper>>

"Everyone has been so friendly to us," she said as she helped Landon scoop a serving of cornbread dressing onto his plate.

Several area church members attended the supper, hosted this year by First Baptist Church of Laurel Hill.

The church's pastor, the Rev. Mike McVay, expressed his happiness at seeing people from different denominations gathered together and contributing to the bounty that awaited.

"We need to start getting along together down here because we're going to spend eternity together, and it may not be where we want to be spending eternity if we can't get along together while we're here," he said to a chorus of "amens."

"So many times we sit down for a meal, but we don't stop long enough — just a second or two — to thank God for our meal," McVay said during the Thanksgiving service before the feast.

"Nothing we have we'd have without God," he said.

Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbBrian.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Laurel Hill church presents annual Harvest Supper tradition (VIDEO)