LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Crestview’s Confederate flag can fly, or we can repeat history

Dear editor,

I am sad that our city is coming to the issue of racism. That flag proudly represents our heritage and pride for the men that fought in that war.

The Confederate side was fought by both white and black men who believed and fought for a cause. The flag does not represent racism or the hope for the "South to rise again.” Look at where we used to be during that time and now! Our city has grown and we have come together.

Whites can say our great-grandparents had slaves and blacks can say we were slaves — it is history! If we stop talking about history or having historic signs (flags) because somebody is offended, then history may repeat itself. It is good to remember and to state that we have moved on.

And why is this being brought up now? If the city is siding with a few people, regardless of color, then what about the others who want the flag to stay?

We are all God's creatures, and color should not matter. We need to learn to get along and stop crying over little things that hurt our feelings. I am glad we are all free in this great country of ours. But we must not allow different groups to cry because of the past. We as a country should move on!

If that flag was flown in remembrance, then please let it fly and teach where we are today.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Crestview’s Confederate flag can fly, or we can repeat history